Solidarity Fund

Recognizing the inherent challenges that many small entrepreneurs encounter in accessing traditional credit, Fundacion Avanzar aimed to empower women by offering them the opportunity to overcome these obstacles and gain access to microcredits for business improvement.

In 2021, a pioneering project funding concept was introduced: The solidarity box named Caja Solidaria Avanzamos Juntas. Thanks to a generous private donation, Fundacion Avanzar provided a group of 35 women with seed capital, enabling them to both lend and borrow within the group. With the initial support, they not only established the Caja but also took charge of electing the director and members, and created their own regulations and statutes. From the beginning they are actively involved in determining loan approvals, setting interest rates, and overseeing the overall operations of the Caja.

Since 2023, the Caja has operated completely independently from Avanzar, signifying the accomplishment of our mission and the realization of our dream. The Caja has expanded and is now operating successfully, bringing about significant positive changes in the lives of the participating women, their businesses, and families.

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